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the impact Sarah Gordon, Executive Head Teacher of Lee Brigg Infant & Nursery School, feels Launchpad for Literacy has had on EYFS and Year 1 practice in relation to Language & Communication and the difference it has made to children's skills.
the impact Joanne Windsor, EYFS Lead at Lee Brigg Infant & Nursery has found Launchpad for Literacy has had on children's levels of Readiness for Phonics and their ability to orally blend as they move into Reception.
what Debbie Jacobs from Stoke LA thinks of Launchpad for Literacy as a gap identification tool and how she feels it fits in with child development and the Early Years Curriculum.
the impact Launchpad has had on SLCN Interventions for Nichola Kehoe and her Team at Rowlands Gill Under Fives.
Case Studies and Examples of Practice
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how Sarah Wareing, EYFS Consultant, uses Launchpad for Literacy to support EYFS Practice, particularly in relation to language development, readiness for literacy and closing the gap.
why Tracy Swinburne has used Launchpad for Literacy within her own practice and school and why she now uses the principles to support practitioners in other schools through Jerry Clay English Hub.
why Wendy Colebourne chose Launchpad for Literacy as part of the Phonics Strategy for Derby City.
how Catherine Clark from Central Primary Academy uses Launchpad for Literacy across the EYFS to support speech & language and raise attainment with Phonics.
how Leanne Oliver uses Launchpad for Literacy to inform assessment and incremental, targeted planning at Harrington Nursery in order to focus on language, the prerequisite skills for Phonics and support children with specific needs.
how Claire Nicholson from Pennywell EYC uses Launchpad to drive and support their Curriculum, ensuring speech, language and communication are at the heart of everything Pennywell do.
how Helen Higgins from New Beginnings Nursery embeds Launchpad across the EYFS to close the gap and to support children with specific communication and language needs.
how Jo Mallinson from Skerne Park Academy has used Launchpad to clarify 'low starting points' and speech and language needs in order to make decisions about practice and to track progress.
how Christine Robson from Bexhill Academy used Launchpad for Literacy to identify and close skill gaps with individual children within KS1, ensuring progression within 'the bottom 20%' and raising attainment with Phonics and Phonic Screen scores.